Sycamore Township Property Maintenance
2009 International Property Maintenance Code
To file a property maintenance or zoning complaint CLICK HERE or call Planning & Zoning staff at 513-792-7249.
To maintain the health, safety, and general welfare of Sycamore Township, the Township maintains property maintenance and zoning regulations. Once a complaint is received, an investigation will be conducted by our inspector within ten (10) business days unless prevented by reasons beyond our control.
Should the investigation find that the property is, in fact, in violation, the property owner(s) and/or occupant(s) will be sent a notice alerting them to the problem(s) and provide time to abate the conditions. Most of these issues are resolved by the property owner within the allotted time – the Township seeks to work with all property owners, both residential and commercial.
However, if a property maintenance violation persists and all reasonable mitigation attempts are exhausted, Sycamore Township has the authority to cite property owners to court and/or declare the property a nuisance; the nuisance violations can be abated by a Township-hired contractor. The cost of the abatement is then assessed on the property’s taxes.
If a zoning violation persists, Sycamore Township has the authority to cite property owners to court.