Board of Zoning Appeals

Board of Zoning Appeals2025-01-23T11:05:47-05:00

The Board of Zoning Appeals reviews applications for zoning variances, conditional use and appeals. The Board meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the Township Administration Building, 8540 Kenwood Road, unless otherwise noted.

2025 Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting Dates

Upcoming Meetings: 

Thursday, February 26, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. – Cancelled due to lack of agenda
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.  – Agenda TBA
I received a Notice of a Public Hearing in the mail. What does that mean?2024-01-08T10:45:12-05:00

You received a notice because you own property that is located within proximity of a project and we are required by law to notify parties in interest within two hundred feet of the subject property. During the public hearing, the Board will ask for comments from the surrounding property owners. At this time, you may discuss any comments, concerns, or opinions you have on the proposal. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the matter will be considered by the board. They will take a vote based on the information presented. You are not required to attend the public hearing; however, if you have a comment or concern, the Board of Zoning Appeals would like to know. You may also send comments in writing to the Planning & Zoning Department at 8540 Kenwood Road, Sycamore Township OH 45236 or email comments to Jon Ragan at [email protected]. Please make sure that your comments arrive at the Township before the scheduled hearing.

What is a variance?2021-04-26T13:20:58-04:00

A variance is an official permit to do something in a way or for a purpose normally forbidden by a zoning law or a building code. No variance shall be granted that is greater than the minimum necessary to relieve the hardship or practical difficulty demonstrated by the applicant. The requested variance must satisfy each of the following standards:

  1. is a unique physical condition
  2. is not self-created
  3. would deny substantial rights
  4. is not merely a special privilege
  5. must be in harmony with the Township Resolution
  6. would not result in a use or development on the subject property that:
    1. would be materially detrimental to the public welfare or materially injurious to the enjoyment , use, development value of property or improvements permitted in the vicinity;
    2. would materially impair an adequate supply of light due to adverse location of shadow to the properties and improvements in the vicinity;
    3. would substantially increase hazardous conditions in the public streets due to traffic or parking;
    4. would unduly increase the danger of flood or fire;
    5. would unduly tax public utilities and facilities in the areas; or
    6. would endanger the public health or safety
What is a Conditional Use?2021-04-26T13:29:28-04:00

A Conditional Use is a use permissible within a district other than a principally permitted use, which requires a Conditional Use Certificate, and approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals.  A school or church in a district zoned residential is an example of a Conditional Use.  Conditional Uses have some special impact or uniqueness which requires careful review of the location and design to determine the desirability of permitting their establishment on any given site.

There are four general standards considered by the board and applicable to all conditional uses:

1. compliance with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Resolution and the zone district
2. determination that the proposed use will not have an adverse affect on adjacent property or the public health, safety, morals and general welfare
3. protection of natural, scenic, and historic features to the greatest extent practicable
4. consistency with adopted plans

John O’Shea, Chairman
Michael D. Schwartz, Vice Chairman
George Ten Eyck III, Secretary
Anthony Ramicone, Member
Karl Hoalst, Member

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