Zoning Commission

Zoning Commission2025-03-14T16:10:50-04:00

The Zoning Commission makes decisions on PUDI applications and reviews PUDII, zone change, and LASR requests, as well as Zoning Resolution text amendments, to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees.

The Zoning Commission meets on the second Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the Township Administration Building, 8540 Kenwood Road, unless otherwise noted:

2025 Zoning Commission Meeting Dates

Next Zoning Commission Meeting:
Thursday, April 10, 2025, 6:00 p.m. 

Agenda TBA

Case 2024-07P2  3912 E. Galbraith Road 

The applicant has submitted a PUD II request to allow an automobile rental facility at the Dillonvale Shopping Center. This case was heard at the January 9th Zoning Commission and continued. The applicant has requested to further table the case until at least the April 10,  2025, meeting.

Case 2024-07P2 Submittal Documents

Zoning Public Hearing Before the Board of Trustees:

Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 5:15 p.m. 

Case 2025-01P2  4405/4407, and 4453 Sycamore Road 

The applicant is proposing a PUDII for the following addresses – 4401, 4403, 4405/4407, 4453, and 4457 Sycamore Road.

Case 2025-01P2 Submittal Documents

Zoning Public Hearing Before the Board of Trustees:

Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 5:45 p.m. 

Case 2025-02TC  

The Trustees will consider proposed text amendments to the Zoning Resolution. The text amendments were initiated by the Board of Trustees in Resolution 2025-015 and were reviewed by the Zoning Commission at their March 13th meeting.

Roger Friedmann, Chairman
Rich Barrick, Vice Chairman
Bill Mees, Secretary
Anne Flanagan, Member
Steve Roos, Member
Bill Swanson, Alternate

I received a Notice of a Public Hearing in the mail. What does that mean?2024-01-08T10:45:59-05:00

You received a notice because you own property that is located within proximity of a project and we are required by law to notify parties in interest within two hundred feet of the subject property. During the public hearing, the Board will ask for comments from the surrounding property owners. At this time, you may discuss any comments, concerns, or opinions you have on the proposal. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the matter will be considered by the board. They will take a vote based on the information presented. You are not required to attend the public hearing; however, if you have a comment or concern, the Zoning Commission would like to know. You may also send comments in writing to the Planning & Zoning Department at 8540 Kenwood Road, Sycamore Township OH 45236 or email comments to Jon Ragan at [email protected]. Please make sure that your comments arrive at the Township before the scheduled hearing.

What is a Zone Change?2021-04-26T11:34:35-04:00

A Zone Change is a change from one property use to another. (i.e. a residential use to a retail use)

What is a Planned Unit Development?2021-04-26T11:39:18-04:00

A PUD, as it is commonly called, is a means of land regulation which promotes large scale, unified land development by means of mid-range, realistic programs in chase of physically-curable, social and economic deficiencies in land and cityscapes. Where appropriate, this development control promotes:

♦ A mixture of both land uses and dwelling types with at least one of the land uses being regional in nature
♦ The clustering of residential land uses providing public and common open space
♦ Increased administrative discretion to a local professional planning staff while setting aside present land use regulations and rigid plat approval processes
♦ The enhancement of the bargaining process between the developer and government municipalities, which in turn strengthens the municipality’s site plan review        and control over development for potentially increased profits due to land efficiency, multiple land uses, and increased residential densities


What is a PUD Modification?2021-04-26T11:40:13-04:00

A PUD modification is a request for a change to a previously approved Planned Unit Development. Modifications can be either Major or Minor changes to the plan. Major Modifications must be reviewed by Zoning Commission and the Board of Trustees in public hearings; Minor Modifications may be approved at the staff level.

What is an LASR?2021-04-26T11:40:47-04:00

An LASR is a Localized Alternative Sign Regulation. The purpose of an LASR is to allow the creation of special signage for large scale land uses, such as shopping centers, office parks, airports, large institutions, universities, medical centers or other uses having multiple buildings.

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